How do I issue a refund?

As a Chase Integrated Payments merchant, you can issue refunds directly from within the Merchant Center. Please note, you can only refund a payment that’s less than 60 days old. Once a refund has been issued, it usually takes the payer’s bank 3-7 business days to credit the payer’s account. 

You can refund payments using the following steps: 

  1. Log into your merchant dashboard at   
  2. Click the Reporting tab on the left.
  3. Select the payment you would like to refund.
  4. Click the red Issue Refund button.

For help with issuing partial refunds, or for payments older than 60 days, please reach out to our Support team with the following information:

  1. Transaction ID:
  2. Name of payer:
  3. Email address of payer:
  4. Date of payment:
  5. Total amount of payment:
  6. Full refund or partial amount to refund:
  7. Reason for refund:

If you get stuck or have any additional questions about refunds, please reach out to our Support team. For verification purposes, please submit your request using the email address linked to your merchant account.

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